










Calgary, Alberta: International Children’s Festival

London, Ontario: International Children’s Festival

Prince George, B.C.: International Children’s Festival

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: International Children’s Festival

Toronto, Ontario: Toronto Cultural Center

Vancouver, B.C.: Burnaby Community College

Vancouver, B.C.: Festival of India

Vancouver, B.C.: International Children’s Festival

Victoria, B.C.: International Children’s Festival

Winnipeg, Manitoba: International Children’s Festival



Alexandria: Anfoushy Theatre

Banha: Cultural Palace

Cairo: Al Fayyoum Cultural Palace

Cairo: Al-Hanager Opera House

Cairo: Al Monofya Cultural Palace

Cairo: Ewart Hall

Cairo: Kafr Al Dawar Cultural Palace

Cairo: Opera House Cairo

Suez: Cultural Palace

Tanta: Tanta University



London: City Theatre

Nottingham: Galaxie Theatre



Avignon: Opera House

Mirepoix: Town Hall

Mondragon: Town Hall

Paris: City Theatre

Saint Laurent Des Arbres: Cultural Center

Toulouse: City Auditorium



Calcutta: Customs Maidan

Calcutta: Science City

New Delhi: Bhakti Kalakshetra Auditorium



Rome: Mundi Festival

Siracuse, Sicily: Roman Amphitheatre



Baghdad: Babylon International Art Festival



Kuala Lumpur: Drumusique Festival

Penang: Millennium Festival



Mandalay: Open Air Theatre

Rangoon: Open Air Theatre

Yanga: Nepali Cultural Center



100+ performances Touring Festival of India

 Woodstock Festival



Sentosa Island: World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference

Singapore: Government Auditorium

Singapore: National Arts Festival

Singapore: Summerset International Millennium Drum Festival

Singapore: WOMAD Festival



Barcelona: Cultural Center

Malaga: Cultural Center



Bern: Cultural Center

Donnerstag: Town Hall

Samstag: Town Hall

Zurich: Winter Theatre



Bosara: International Folk Festival

Damascus: Cultural Center



Alachua, FL: Cultural Center

Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico

Bellingham, WA: Mt. Baker Theatre

Berkeley, CA: Community Hall

Berkeley, CA: University of California Berkeley, Zellerbach Hall

Boise, ID: University of Idaho

Bolder, CO: University of Colorado

Boston, MA: Harvard University

Brooklyn, NY: Cultural Center

Chicago, IL: Chicago’s Convention Center

Chicago, IL: Cultural Center

Coral Gables, FL: Coral Gables Academy

Dallas, TX: Cultural Center

Denver, CO: Cultural Center

Durham, NC: Elon College

Eastsound, WA: Orcas Island Community Theatre

Fallon, NV: Cultural Center

Friday Harbor, WA: San Juan Island Community Theatre

Gainesville, FL: University of Florida

Hilo, HI: University of Hawaii

Hollywood FL: Hollywood Elementary School

Honolulu, HI: Cultural Center

Honolulu, HI: East-West Center

Houston, TX: Cultural Center

Irvine, CA: University of California, Irvine, Barclay Theater

Jacksonville, FL: Town Hall

Jersey City, NJ: Festival of India

Kahului, HI: Maui High School

Kahului, HI: Maui Community College

Laguna Beach, CA: Cultural Center

Laguna Beach, CA: Laguna Beach High School

Lake Tahoe, NV: Cal-Neva Theatre

Lawrence KS: University of Kansas

Lawrence KS: Liberty Hall

Los Angeles: Los Angeles Cultural Center

Los Angeles, CA: Festival of India

Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles Music Center Educational Division (L.A. County Schools)

Miami, FL: Cultural Center

Miami, FL: Miami Elementary School

Murpheesboro, TN: Town Hall

Nevada City, CA: Nevada City High School

Nevada City, CA: Nevada Theatre

New Brunswick NJ: State Theatre

New Orleans, LA: Community Center

New York, NY: Asia Society

New York, NY: Guyana Community Center

New York, NY: World Music Institute

Orlando, FL: Walt Disney World EPCOT Center

Pleasanton: Cultural Center

Portland, OR: Convention Center

Portland, OR: Cultural Center

Portland, OR: Oregon State Theatre

Potomac, MD: Cultural Center

Salt Lake City, UT: Brigham Young University

San Antonio, TX: Carver Cultural Center

San Diego, CA: Cultural Center

San Diego, CA: University of San Diego

San Francisco: San Francisco Academy of Sciences, Circle of Life exhibit

San Francisco, CA: Festival of India

San Francisco, CA: Golden Gate Park City Celebration

San Rafael, CA: Angelica Hall

Seattle, WA: University of Washington

Seattle, WA: Cultural Center

Seattle, WA: Seattle International Children’s Festival

Spanish Fork, UT: Festival of India

St Petersburg, FL: St Petersburg Folk Festival

Truckee, CA: Truckee High School

Tucson, AZ: Rincon High School

Washington DC: Kennedy Center (Imagination Celebration)

Wheeling, WV: Cultural Center



Caracas: City Auditorium



Hanoi: Government Cultural Center

Halong: “Days of Indian Culture in Vietnam”